
Junk DNA – Junk Oracle, part 0000003 …. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS

Almost every week I write or enhance software components that are deployed into a PROD environment. Every week, the full-fat versions of the ...Read more

Database Table Partitioning – Why?

There are not two common reasons why RDBMS DBA's partition database tables, but five. The two rote answer reasons usually cited for implementing ...Read more

Some scribbles detailing various SQL approaches for retrieving versioned data

A common theme in home-rolled retrofitted database data history versioning implementations is the presence of a table column within a database table named, ...Read more

PostgreSQL Recursive Common Table Expression WITH Currywürste – My First Development Experience with PostgreSQL

My mother tongue is Oracle, not PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL however has exceptionally good press for being a snappy comprehensive quality product, and with great documentation to boot. ...Read more

ANSI SQL/Foundation

I have believed for some time that the SQL FROM clause is optional, that is optional from the standpoint of ANSI/IEC/ISO standards, not from ...Read more