Traditionally the mechanism to retrieve near sequential numbers for the purposes of a database table PK is to use a database sequence. Occasionally ...Read more
Data modellers, developers, and purists all hate it when multiple ID values are stored in a single database column value. Data modellers hate ...Read more
Almost every week I write or enhance software components that are deployed into a PROD environment. Every week, the full-fat versions of the ...Read more
When using Oracle I sigh often (from the perspective of a database developer). Oracle have, by design, implemented instability into their execution plan costings. ...Read more
When an SQL result-set needs to be returned in some sort of order, it is not unreasonable to expect that the information to ...Read more
Being a freelance contractor is often stressful - parachuted into a budget constrained project with tight timeframes and where you know next to ...Read more
There are not two common reasons why RDBMS DBA's partition database tables, but five. The two rote answer reasons usually cited for implementing ...Read more
Why do I keep falling into the same man traps? Why can I not learn? Why do I put myself through the same debugging exercise ...Read more
As some errors made by programmers are so blindingly obvious, you do not need to check whether the code would even, for example, compile! ...Read more
I am likely to be proved wrong. Last year I blogged that the next major version of Oracle might be version 13. It is not an unreasonable ...Read more
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