
Chemical Structures in Databases (blog article 3 of 8) : Extensible Indexing

Traditionally database indexes, a mechanism to quickly locate data within the database without significant performance penalty, have been limited to database data type primitives. ...Read more

Chemical Structures in Databases (blog article 2 of 8) : Chemical Structure Databases

The Cope-Chat approach previously described remains the crux of most chemoinformatic database systems. The implementation provides a mechanism to search on chemical (sub)structure or reaction scheme ...Read more

Chemical Structures in Databases (blog article 1 of 8) : Cope-Chat cards, some 1930’s technology

A most fascinating and simple early technology for the indexing of information, a precursor to databases and their respective indexes, used Cope-Chat (Copeland ...Read more


When an SQL result-set needs to be returned in some sort of order, it is not unreasonable to expect that the information to ...Read more

Finding Nemo Onetangi

Being a freelance contractor is often stressful - parachuted into a budget constrained project with tight timeframes and where you know next to ...Read more

Database Table Partitioning – Why?

There are not two common reasons why RDBMS DBA's partition database tables, but five. The two rote answer reasons usually cited for implementing ...Read more

MongoDB as a DNA Typing Database (SGMPlus?)

Is MongoDB up to the job of being able to query a database of ca. 10,000,000 SGM Plus DNA profiles and laboratory samples? ...Read more

MongoDB – A very humbling first experience

I need a MongoDB database populated with some test data - a handful of small thumbnail images and a few other fields for ...Read more

There are times when I think Oracle is not for the experienced hand and that I have lost my touch

Why do I keep falling into the same man traps? Why can I not learn? Why do I put myself through the same debugging exercise ...Read more

Some scribbles detailing various SQL approaches for retrieving versioned data

A common theme in home-rolled retrofitted database data history versioning implementations is the presence of a table column within a database table named, ...Read more