
SQL*Plus variables – Oracle Next ID Number without a Database Sequence

Traditionally the mechanism to retrieve near sequential numbers for the purposes of a database table PK is to use a database sequence. Occasionally ...Read more

Parallel.ForEach and a blocking/threading saga

I was recently doing a bit of weekend homework and encountered a piece of code that resembles the following (with all the grubby ...Read more

Oracle SQL – Querying columns containing CSV ID’s

Data modellers, developers, and purists all hate it when multiple ID values are stored in a single database column value. Data modellers hate ...Read more

Junk DNA – Junk Oracle, part 0000003 …. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS

Almost every week I write or enhance software components that are deployed into a PROD environment. Every week, the full-fat versions of the ...Read more

Oracle, the gift that keeps on giving

When using Oracle I sigh often (from the perspective of a database developer). Oracle have, by design, implemented instability into their execution plan costings. ...Read more

SQL Server Installation (end-to-end on new Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Virtual Machine/Parallels on MacBook Pro)

Sometimes you get surprises while working in IT,  you follow a simple set of instructions and things work for example. Rewording that sentence ...Read more

Chemical Structures in Databases (blog article 7 of 8) : Under The Bonnet

As the SQL feature set doesn't provide for chemical structures to be queried directly as shown below, the chemical moiety must first be ...Read more

Chemical Structures in Databases (blog article 6 of 8) : Chemical Awareness

One of the many roles of IUPAC has been to establish and maintain systematic rules for the nomenclature of chemical entities. Within the ...Read more

Chemical Structures in Databases (blog article 5 of 8) : Subgraph Isomorphism

A mathematician might define subgraph isomorphism as the determination of a subgraph of a graph which is isomorphic to another graph. From the chemo-informatic ...Read more

Informatics RDBMS storage and manipulation of chemical moieties (blog article 4 of 8)

Over the past three decades, COTS products from major chemoinformatics solution providers have offered a number of technologies for the storage and manipulation ...Read more