
Woodward Informatics Ltd doesn’t sell products, but services. Nonetheless some services developed for very niche domains have evolved into full-fledged software applications and offered formally as products. One of these products, C$WILDNA1, is described below.


DNA databases are often thought of as large repositories of contentious government controlled information used by the police and forensic scientists to aid in the solving of major crime such as murder, rape, and sexual abuse. DNA profile use is however far more widespread with well known citations that include a) identity verification of high profile war criminals such as Saddam and Uday Hussein, b) confirmation of the source of semen stains on a dress owned by Monica Lewinski, c) through the use of a reference DNA sample provided by Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh, confirmation that the remains of the last Russian tsar and family have been found, and d) body and body part pooling and victim identification after mass disasters such as the 9/11 attacks on New York or the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami off the west coast of Sumatra. Less topical applications of DNA profile searching include insurance fraud, immigration and border control, biometric identity cards, and paternity and alimony cases. Agricultural applications include stock farm-to-shop meat tracking, edible farm stock yield improvement efforts, or ethnic cleansing programmes such as the UK National Scrapie Eradication Plan.

Until now, a single generic shrink-wrapped product has not existed to enable best of breed DBMS systems such as Oracle to become DNA STR aware. Until now, every commercial organization or academic institute that required in-house DNA database searching and manipulation functionality, had to roll their own specific to the DNA PCR kit being used.

C$WILDNA1 addresses this void. C$WILDNA1 is the first COTS product to add DNA STR typing awareness to Oracle.

Further information detailing the technical functionality of C$WILDNA1 can be found in the product flyer PDF Icon (213kb).