Pay up or we'll release a porn video of you. Only US$300

OK, firstly this blog post is a general IT rant, left field of my normal rants, and atypical of my normal technical and business focussed blog articles. Secondly spam is not normally propagated like this. Thirdly …. to threaten an individual unless they pay up using an untraceable monetary transaction is extortion by any definition and likely illegal in any country. It would be serious if it were not so laughable!

How stupid do these people think we are? Do they make money, any money? It all just beggars belief.

Finally, no, I do not normally read spam. This one got through my spam filters however and I was admiring the English (second language) competency before I arrived at the threatening sentence.

— Published by Mike, 10:46:14 24 October 2017 (GMT)


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