Every time I undertake a project to migrate a system from SQL Server to Oracle, I am reminded how deficient and cumbersome it is to work with Oracle. Put another way, as a very skilled Oracle developer, each time I am forced to use an alternative DBMS, I get déjà vu and find myself asking myself yet again whether I have backed the wrong horse.
The code below for example is a simple piece of T-SQL for a function that returns a result set containing a country name and currency code. It is so simple to understand; not self documenting code, but close.
CREATE FUNCTION getCountryData() RETURNS @x TABLE (countryName VARCHAR(100), currencyCode VARCHAR(3)) AS BEGIN INSERT @x (countryName, currencyCode) SELECT t1.name AS countryName, t2.code AS currencyCode FROM countryCurrency t3 INNER JOIN country t1 ON t1.id = t3.countryID INNER JOIN currency t2 ON t2.id = t3.currencyID; RETURN END
Furthermore this function may be queried as though it were a normal database table. For example
SELECT t.countryName, t.currencyCode FROM getCountryData() t;
Although not best practice, you could even trim down the code above further to
CREATE FUNCTION getCountryData() RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT t1.name AS countryName, t2.code AS currencyCode FROM countryCurrency t3 INNER JOIN country t1 ON t1.id = t3.countryID INNER JOIN currency t2 ON t2.id = t3.currencyID; ) END
At the moment I am working on a project migrating a system from SQL Server to Oracle. How do you implement this stock and clear SQL Server functionality shown above in Oracle? The answer is you cannot, as the functionality doesn’t come out of the box implemented in a similar manner. What you have to do in Oracle is write a lot more code. Although tempting to use Oracle REF CURSOR’s to return the result set (I have whinged and blogged on this previously), you cannot query REF CURSORS using a piece of SQL, selecting from named columns etc. The only approaches you have in Oracle, even the recent versions, is to introduce some Oracle bloat. The options include:
I don’t want to make unnecessary throw-away comments on my blog so I demonstrate point 3 above, with the new object type, table of type, and so on below.
CREATE TYPE t_country_row AS OBJECT ( countryName VARCHAR2(100), currencyCode VARCHAR2(3) ); / CREATE TYPE t_country_tab IS TABLE OF t_country_row; / CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getCountryData RETURN t_country_tab PIPELINED AS BEGIN FOR r IN ( SELECT t1.name AS countryName, t2.code AS currencyCode FROM countryCurrency t3 INNER JOIN country t1 ON t1.id = t3.countryID INNER JOIN currency t2 ON t2.id = t3.currencyID ) LOOP PIPE ROW(t_country_row(r.countryName, r.currencyCode)); END LOOP; END; /
And then, as before, you can query from the function as though it were a table.
SELECT t.countryName, t.currencyCode FROM getCountryData() t;
In summary, even in this most trivial of examples, Oracle requires me to create a couple of additional database types, code that obfuscates the logic, risk associated with database drivers not handing UDT’s correctly (should you choose to return the UDT in a result set), perhaps concerns with performance, and more lines of code and PSM dependencies to debug and maintain. Note too that these are the hurdles for a single simple database function – should you find yourself migrating just shy of 300 functions (a guesstimate for the number of functions I will need to migrate in my current project), with vastly more complexity than that shown above, the code size I have to maintain and debug quickly balloons in Oracle whereas the SQL Server codebase still presents itself with modest clarity.
— Published by Mike, 09:47 17 March 2017
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Apple, C#, Databases, Faircom, General IT Rant, German, Informatics, LINQ, MongoDB, Oracle, Perl, PostgreSQL, SQL, SQL Server, Unit Testing, XML/XSLT
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