Having recently whinged about Oracle REF CURSOR’s, I have decided to do it again. So there is no ambiguity, right from the outset I need to state I loathe these things. My fundamental gripe is that you can create a REF CURSOR, easily, but you just cannot easily use it with SQL or PL/SQL, the lingua franca of Oracle.
To labour the point, attempt to answer these questions yourself – you have a REF CURSOR returned from some arbitrary PSM, a) how do you use it?, b) how do you query it?, c) how do you persist the content to another table?
The answer to all three of these questions more often than not is that you have to use a third party language or process to consume the REF CURSOR; PL/SQL is so deficient you cannot easily manipulate this Oracle object within the Oracle database. Put another way, Oracle have provided half of what you need, or perhaps better put, Oracle have only implemented half a job.
This should be an untenable situation, but it is tolerated, and new REF CURSOR’s are written into new or existing codebases by developers without much thought.
Here is the code snippet I included in my prior post
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> create or replace procedure getBands(p_recordSet out sys_refcursor) as 2 begin 3 open p_recordSet for 4 select legend, hasMarriedJerryHall 5 from bands; 6 end getBands; 7 /
How do you manipulate or query the ‘columns’ in the returned REF CURSOR in Oracle in SQL or PL/SQL? The answer is you cannot, or at least not without a lot of pain and some very delicate code.
The situation is propagated when dealing with multiple REF CURSOR’s, from multiple sources. Ask yourself another question – if you have some internal API, perhaps across multiple database schemata or databases, that return multiple REF CURSOR’s, all with different pieces of information about the same thing, how do you aggregate all of that in the database (where it should be done) rather than causing unnecessary collation overhead in the middleware? This will be a familiar nightmare to any seasoned developer that uses Oracle!
In this post I have decided to address the problem, or perhaps better put that I have had a stab at addressing the problem. There are two basic problems with my approach:
Let me paint this contrived scenario.
Below, I describe my work-around, at least for a few basic Oracle data types, with no error handling, and many constraints and limitations. It is demo code that addresses the question – is it possible to manipulate REF CURSOR’s within the database. I won’t hold you in suspense – the answer is yes, it can be done, but as Oracle have only done half a job here, it should also be obvious that I have had to jump through a few hoops here to get where I needed to go.
First of all, let me show you demo output of my experimentation, executed from within SQL/Plus.
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> VAR rc REFCURSOR SQL> SQL> DECLARE 2 TYPE tsrc IS REF CURSOR; 3 rc1 tsrc; 4 rc2 tsrc; 5 BEGIN 6 utilRefCursor.tearDown; 7 8 -- Step 1, populate the legends. In this query, rc1 is a REF CURSOR created in this block, but it could equally 9 -- be a REF CURSOR returned from a stored procedure or other PSM 10 OPEN rc1 FOR 11 SELECT id, christianName, surname, dob 12 FROM legend; 13 utilRefCursor.populate(rc1); 14 15 -- Step 2, merge in some more content, and from a second REF CURSOR. As above, the REF CURSOR could 16 -- come from some other inexcessible process, not necessarily created on the fly by querying a 17 -- small handful of tables. 18 OPEN rc2 FOR 19 SELECT l.id, b.bandName 20 FROM legend l, 21 band b, 22 bandLegend bl 23 WHERE bl.legendID = l.id 24 AND bl.bandID = b.id; 25 utilRefCursor.populate(rc2); 26 27 -- Step 3, populate the SQL/Plus cursor variable, that could equally be returned to 28 -- some invoking process 29 :rc := utilRefCursor.resultSet; 30 END; 31 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> SQL> print rc ID CHRISTIANNAME SURNAME DOB BANDNAME ----- ------------- ---------- --------- ---------- 5 Freddie Mercury 05-SEP-46 Queen 6 Brian May 19-JUL-47 Queen 7 Roger Taylor 26-JUL-49 Queen 8 John Deacon 19-AUG-51 Queen 20 Roger Waters 06-SEP-43 Pink Floyd 21 David Gilmour 06-MAR-46 Pink Floyd 22 Nick Mason 27-JAN-44 Pink Floyd 23 Richard Wright 28-JUL-43 Pink Floyd 8 rows selected. SQL> SELECT * 2 FROM tempTable; ID CHRISTIANNAME SURNAME DOB BANDNAME ----- ------------- ---------- --------- ---------- 5 Freddie Mercury 05-SEP-46 Queen 6 Brian May 19-JUL-47 Queen 7 Roger Taylor 26-JUL-49 Queen 8 John Deacon 19-AUG-51 Queen 20 Roger Waters 06-SEP-43 Pink Floyd 21 David Gilmour 06-MAR-46 Pink Floyd 22 Nick Mason 27-JAN-44 Pink Floyd 23 Richard Wright 28-JUL-43 Pink Floyd 8 rows selected. SQL>
At this point, you should be impressed! If you are not impressed by what you see, go back to the top of the blog and start reading again as you likely don’t understand what has been demonstrated by this code. To help you along however, what has been demonstrated is:
So, how was it done? The demo prototype code is shown below:
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE utilRefCursor AS 2 3 /* 4 * Upsert in the current ref cursor 5 */ 6 PROCEDURE populate(src IN sys_refcursor); 7 8 /* 9 * Return the merged result set 10 */ 11 FUNCTION resultSet RETURN sys_refcursor; 12 13 /* 14 * Teardown 15 */ 16 PROCEDURE tearDown; 17 18 END utilRefCursor; 19 / Package created. SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY utilRefCursor AS 2 3 tempTableName CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'TEMPTABLE'; 4 idColumnName CONSTANT CHAR(2) := 'ID'; 5 6 idColumnNumber NUMBER := NULL; 7 8 columnCount NUMBER; 9 describeTable DBMS_SQL.desc_tab; 10 11 cursorNumber NUMBER; 12 13 /* 14 * From the provided REF CURSOR, get the ID column number, returning NULL if it does not exist. 15 */ 16 PROCEDURE setState(src IN sys_refcursor) IS 17 r1 sys_refcursor := src; 18 BEGIN 19 r1 := src; 20 cursorNumber := DBMS_SQL.TO_CURSOR_NUMBER(r1); 21 DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS(c => cursorNumber, col_cnt => columnCount, desc_t => describeTable); 22 23 idColumnNumber := NULL; 24 FOR colNo IN 1..columnCount 25 LOOP 26 idColumnNumber := CASE 27 WHEN describeTable(colNo).col_name = 'ID' THEN colNo 28 ELSE idColumnNumber 29 END; 30 END LOOP; 31 END; 32 33 /* 34 * Add columns from ref cursor by name to temporary table 35 */ 36 PROCEDURE addColsToTempTable(src IN sys_refcursor) IS 37 BEGIN 38 39 IF idColumnNumber IS NOT NULL THEN 40 41 FOR colNo IN 1..columnCount 42 LOOP 43 FOR col IN ( 44 SELECT describeTable(colNo).col_name columnName, 45 describeTable(colNo).col_type columnType, 46 describeTable(colNo).col_max_len columnMaxLength, 47 NVL2(utc.column_name, 'Y', 'N') columnPresentInTT 48 FROM user_tab_cols utc 49 RIGHT OUTER JOIN DUAL 50 ON (utc.table_name = tempTableName AND utc.column_name = describeTable(colNo).col_name) 51 WHERE describeTable(colNo).col_type IN (1, 2, 12, 96) -- not bothering with CLOB, XMLTYPE, TIMESTAMP, NUMERic precision and scale etc. 52 ) LOOP 53 IF col.columnPresentInTT = 'N' THEN 54 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE ' || tempTableName 55 || ' ADD ' || col.columnName 56 || ' ' 57 || CASE 58 WHEN col.columnType = 1 THEN 'VARCHAR2(' || col.columnMaxLength || ')' 59 WHEN col.columnType = 2 THEN 'NUMBER' 60 WHEN col.columnType = 12 THEN 'DATE' 61 WHEN col.columnType = 96 THEN 'CHAR(' || col.columnMaxLength || ')' 62 END; 63 64 END IF; 65 END LOOP; 66 END LOOP; 67 END IF; 68 END addColsToTempTable; 69 70 71 72 /* 73 * Setup the system to perform the utility functions 74 */ 75 PROCEDURE setup(src IN sys_refcursor) IS 76 BEGIN 77 78 -- 1. Create the table to hold the REF CURSOR content, if it doesn't already exist 79 FOR r IN ( 80 SELECT 1 81 FROM user_tables ut 82 RIGHT OUTER JOIN DUAL 83 ON (ut.table_name = tempTableName) 84 WHERE ut.table_name IS NULL 85 ) LOOP 86 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE || tempTableName || '(id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY)'; 87 END LOOP; 88 89 -- 2. Get package internal state for subsequent operations 90 setState(src => src); 91 92 -- 3. Add the columns from the REF CURSOR to the TT iif they do not already exist 93 addColsToTempTable(src => src); 94 END setup; 95 96 97 98 99 100 /* 101 * Upsert the ref cursor content 102 */ 103 PROCEDURE populate(src IN sys_refcursor) IS 104 105 dataTypeVarchar2 VARCHAR(32767); 106 dataTypeNumber NUMBER; 107 dataTypeDate DATE; 108 109 idColumnValue NUMBER; -- Assuming that the ID column value data type is a NUMBER that will do for demo code, a PoC 110 111 BEGIN 112 setup(src => src); 113 114 FOR colNo IN 1..columnCount 115 LOOP 116 IF describeTable(colNo).col_type = 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(cursorNumber, colNo, dataTypeVarchar2, 32767); 117 ELSIF describeTable(colNo).col_type = 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(cursorNumber, colNo, dataTypeNumber); 118 ELSIF describeTable(colNo).col_type = 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(cursorNumber, colNo, dataTypeDate); 119 ELSIF describeTable(colNo).col_type = 96 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(cursorNumber, colNo, dataTypeVarchar2, 32767); 120 END IF; 121 END LOOP; 122 123 -- And now step through the REF CURSOR row at a time, retrieve the values, and populate the GTT 124 WHILE DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(cursorNumber) > 0 125 LOOP 126 DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(cursorNumber, idColumnNumber, idColumnValue); 127 128 FOR colNo IN 1..columnCount 129 LOOP 130 IF describeTable(colNo).col_name != idColumnName THEN 131 132 IF describeTable(colNo).col_type = 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(cursorNumber, colNo, dataTypeVarchar2); 133 ELSIF describeTable(colNo).col_type = 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(cursorNumber, colNo, dataTypeNumber); 134 ELSIF describeTable(colNo).col_type = 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(cursorNumber, colNo, dataTypeDate); 135 ELSIF describeTable(colNo).col_type = 96 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(cursorNumber, colNo, dataTypeVarchar2); 136 END IF; 137 138 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'MERGE INTO ' || tempTableName || ' tt' 139 || ' USING(SELECT :colID1 id FROM DUAL) r' 140 || ' ON (r.id = tt.id)' 141 || ' WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET ' || describeTable(colNo).col_name || '= :collVal1' 142 || ' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT(id, ' || describeTable(colNo).col_name || ') VALUES(:colID2, :colVal2)' 143 USING idColumnValue, 144 CASE 145 WHEN describeTable(colNo).col_type = 2 THEN TO_CHAR(dataTypeNumber) 146 WHEN describeTable(colNo).col_type = 12 THEN TO_CHAR(dataTypeDate) 147 ELSE dataTypeVarchar2 148 END, 149 idColumnValue, 150 CASE 151 WHEN describeTable(colNo).col_type = 2 THEN TO_CHAR(dataTypeNumber) 152 WHEN describeTable(colNo).col_type = 12 THEN TO_CHAR(dataTypeDate) 153 ELSE dataTypeVarchar2 154 END; 155 END IF; 156 END LOOP; 157 END LOOP; 158 159 END populate; 160 161 162 /* 163 * Return the merged result set 164 */ 165 FUNCTION resultSet RETURN sys_refcursor IS 166 rc sys_refcursor; 167 BEGIN 168 OPEN rc FOR 'SELECT * FROM ' || tempTableName; 169 RETURN rc; 170 END resultSet; 171 172 173 /* 174 * Teardown 175 */ 176 PROCEDURE tearDown IS 177 BEGIN 178 FOR r IN ( 179 SELECT 1 180 FROM user_tables ut 181 WHERE ut.table_name = tempTableName 182 ) LOOP 183 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE ' || tempTableName; 184 END LOOP; 185 idColumnNumber := NULL; 186 END tearDown; 187 188 END utilRefCursor; 189 / Package body created. SQL> SQL>
To conclude, or to repeat, this is demo code, with so many limitations, and it is only necessary to write this sort of crap as Oracle have only done half a job with REF CURSORS.
I have placed a copy of the prototype code on GitHub, along with code to generate the sample data used here.
The code above was developed using the following database version etc.
SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> SELECT * 2 FROM v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL>
— Published by Mike, 14:56 06 February 2017
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Apple, C#, Databases, Faircom, General IT Rant, German, Informatics, LINQ, MongoDB, Oracle, Perl, PostgreSQL, SQL, SQL Server, Unit Testing, XML/XSLT
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